Frame of Mind…
Yesterday, I received and delivered a client’s custom album — one of the last orders to be filled since the quarantine. (Fortunately, the client lives in my ‘hood, and I was able to deliver it on a short bike ride).
It got me thinking…do photographs bring comfort during these crazy times? I sure hope so. My goal is always for the art we create together to spark joy. When you’re ready to tear your hair out because your kids are driving you crazy after hours of isolation and attempted homeschooling, I hope a glance at your family portrait brings a smile to your face. I want them to serve as a reminder of happy times and encouragement for the future.
Get out those albums, curl up on the couch with your kiddos, and get warm and fuzzy. Reminisce over past vacations, laugh over funny haircuts and missing teeth…and if my work is somehow a part of this…mission accomplished.
Be safe, sane, and take lots of pictures. We will celebrate soon.